How to submit courses

    If you are a professor (including visiting professor) at UFSCar or at any other higher education institution (IES), or an administrative technician, you will be able to submit courses in PoCA.

    You must know that the approach that defines the design of the courses in PoCA is based on two principles: one is known as microlearning, and the other is known as self-directed learning. Microlearning is a distance learning method that provides specific content learning through concise processes. It usually implies delimited content selection and no time consuming activities. We recommend the course load to range between 5 to 10 hours long. The concise and small lessons tend to enable larger content intake and personalized learning, since the student can choose specifically the topics of their interest. On the other hand, the self-directed learning encourages students to engage with or without assistance in making their own content choices as well as self-assess their learning needs that might include knowledge, abilities and competence, in various technologies and media.

    If you are interested in this approach, submit a course using the submission form available on the portal (in portuguese).

    Before submitting, read and agree to PoCA’s terms of use for course proponents. The General Distance Learning Office pedagogical team will analyse your application and get in touch.

    Access the submission form (external link).